Local Selling Tips

Your Commercial Real Estate Specialist


Regardless of whether it is residential or commercial real estate, preparing your property correctly will maximize your selling price.. In most cases, commercial properties not only require physical "tweaking", but also income "tweaking".. Buyers will be searching for properties that have the highest rate of return on their investment or have development potential. Maximize your income, secure solid anchor tenants or income to support your asking price. Buyers & their lenders will require 3 years worth of accurate financials...Properties with higher vacancy rates may not obtain the highest value unless there is a higher & better use for the property not yet utilized. If the property has development potential, long term leases maybe a deterent to a potential Buyer. I can provide you with an experienced opinion regarding your property and best course of action.

Intelligent Pricing

By pricing your property at market value, you expose it to a much greater percentage of prospective buyers. This increases your chances for a sale while ensuring a final sale price that properly reflects the market value of your home.

The Effect of Overpricing

Improper pricing may lead to a below market value sale price, or even worse, no sale at all. Your home has the highest chances for a fruitful sale when it is new on the market and the price is reasonably established.

Activity vs. Timing

A property attracts the most attention, excitement and interest from the real estate community and potential buyers when it is first listed on the market. Improper pricing at the time of initial listing misses out on this peak interest period and may result in your property languishing on the market.